7 Ways to Prevent Throwing Injuries in Youth Baseball Players
The most common arm injuries found in youth baseball players include, arm pain, Muscle tears(strains), ligament tears(sprains/avulsions), hip pain, tendinosis, and nerve injuries…Read More
Disc Golf Injuries and Prevention
The most common disc golf injuries include soft tissue injuries such as pulled muscles (strains), ligament tears (sprains), meniscal tears, tendinitis/tendinosis, and nerve injuries. (Nelson et al, 2015)
Although it is a non-contact sport, many injuries occur due to the rotational forces put on the body. Due to these rotational forces, the most common areas injured include the elbow (46%), shoulder (43.1%), back (30.8%), knee (28.1%) and ankle (21.2%) (Nelson et al, 2015).
The repetitive and rotational nature of the sport can also cause overuse injuries to occur such as elbow soreness, rotator cuff breakdown, meniscus tears and low back soreness….
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