Tattooed Female Athlete with a barbell across her shoulder

Treatment Pricing

*Cancellation within 4 hours Fee: $20

*No Show Fee: $30



  • If you have never been a patient at Vector Sport and Spine. This is a requirement for all patients. These are to provide a baseline for care and to individualize your treatment plan. Any patient that has not been seen for 30+ months should select this service. NOTE: Your annual sports physical and any concussion testing can be accomplished with this exam and is important to make sure you athlete is safe playing their sport. t goes here


  • This is for established patients who have a new injury, or have not been seen in the clinic for greater than 12 months. This is to establish a new baseline for care and/or develop the individualized treatment plan. NOTE: Your annual sports physical and any concussion testing can be accomplished with this exam and is important to make sure you athlete is safe playing their sport.


  • These are the office visits in the treatment plan. In most cases 2-8 visitss are needed per case and our goal is to be as efficient with the care as possible as to not waste your time. We also give you the tools and education to help address your complaint during the times you are not in our office. Adjustments, soft tissue work and exercise will be used during these visits.

A Baseball player hitting a fastball in a baseball game

Sports Performance Pricing


Coming Soon

  • These are training templates to help boost performance and self-awareness. They will be 4-12 weeks in length and give you the tools and movements you need to increase, strength, speed and sport-specific performance. They fall into two categories. 1. Total athlete development. 2. Sport- specific development. Stay Tuned!!


  • At Vector Sport and Spine: Chiro & Rehab we will review an athlete's medical history, conduct an exam and recommend additional tests and diagnosis if necessary. Following the session, Dr. Dan will fill in the required medical forms for the athlete. We evaluate athletes ages 6 and up.

    Also called pre-participation physical examinations (PPE), sports physicals are usually a part of registering youths for participation in a sport. Organizers generally require an evaluation for children to participate, with regulations varying according to the rules of the respective state, school or a sport's governing body. A PPE helps to assure that the athlete is healthy and physically ready for their chosen activity such as baseball, football, soccer, track or any other sport.


  • This product features 1-on-1 time with Dr. Dan to focus on sports skill or movement activity improvements. Whether it is improving your hitting, jiujitsu or disc golf form or any other movement endeavor, Dr. Dan is here to help you. A one hour session is required for the first visit. This will consist of an exam and assessment of different movement patterns. After that we will perform 3-6 visits to help improve the skill. This can be done in person or online.