Sports Injuries

  • Shoulder injuries can be some of the worst sport injuries. They can manifest from overuse, underuse, trauma, dislocations and more. In sports such as weight lifting, baseball, softball, swimming and football tons of forces are put on the shoulder and if your not ready for them it can result in injury.

    At Vector Sport and Spine: Chiro & Rehab we treat all musculoskeletal injuries of the shoulder. Including subacromial pain syndrome, biceps tendinitis, pain while throwing and many others. Schedule an appointment today to see how we can help your shoulder injuries.

  • Hip injuries can be annoying and frustrating to manage. They can appear suddenly and without explanation. From that annoying pulled groin sensation, to sharp pain every time you step, they can be hindering to your everyday and athletic activities.

    Dancers can be very prone to hip injuries. In a study done in 2017 by Trentacosta et. al hip/groin injuries occurred at a rate 14.1%-27.7% of the time.

    Schedule with us today to get treatment, if you are experiencing hip or groin pain.

    Trentacosta, N., Sugimoto, D., & Micheli, L. J. (2017). Hip and Groin Injuries in Dancers: A Systematic Review. Sports health, 9(5), 422–427.

  • When we think of ankle injuries the first thing that comes to mind are ankle sprains. While this is one of the most common injuries. Achilles Tendinitis, fractures and high ankle sprains are also common.

    Did you know that icing is no the best treatment for any sort of injury? This article by Dubois et al. describes the new Acronym PEACE and Love.

    At Vector Sport and Spine: Chiro and Rehab, we specialize in getting you back to tip-top shape regarding ankle injuries. Schedule today

    Dubois B, Esculier J. Soft-tissue injuries simply need PEACE and LOVE. British Journal of Sports Medicine 2020;54:72-73.

  • Wrist injuries can be troublesome and worrying. Whether we jam our wrist blocking in football, or strain it using knife edge trying to break boards in traditional martial arts. Whatever the reason, we can help alleviate your symptoms and get you on the road back to participating in whatever endeavour you choose.